ITP Blog

My ITP blog contains manyyyy more of my art projects and works.

ITP is a graduate interactive media program at NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts - the concepts, code, and physical computing I learn there help me make sense of this wild world.

TLDR; check out the editor’s picks here.


Selected Topics:


Works related to both human and non-human networks including networked devices, Rube Goldberg machines, network game theory, fungal networks, and APIs.

Relevant portfolio pieces: Fluto, Cryptomania, Budget Nest, Mycelia, My Public Ether Token Wallet

A/V Mashups

Projects that explore how we experience sight and sound together - including live A/V performances, an interactive sound visualizer, and other mashups.

Relevant portfolio pieces: Big Dark Age, No. ∞ Symphony, Moiré Magic

Video & Imaging

Computational media that uses light, color, and frames to create visual effects and evoke feeling from the viewer - including data art, web art, animation, and miscellaneous videos.

Relevant portfolio pieces: Revenge of Left Shark, Big Dark Age, Moiré Magic

ITP Stuff

Projects that ITP students may appreciate - mostly in the realm of foundational courses ICM and physical computing.

Writing & Critical Analysis

Long-form essays and creative writing about future scenarios, existing technologies, and human behavior. I also write about blockchain technology for the BlockApps blog.


For unfounded, unsolicited stock picks from a guy who went to business school, check out my ‘stonks’ page.